Halsey Graveyard Drawing


It’s been awhile. I haven’t written a blog post for a couple of months now. Summer was insanely busy and it was difficult to manage creating new art while working full-time at the restaurant.

I will be better this fall with the off-season — and I do have a lot of plans for new creations. I’m currently working on my new Gaia painting (Mother Earth / Amazon Rainforest inspired.)

This small sketch came to mind when I was listening to Halsey’s new song. It is filled with imagery and symbols that flooded my mind. The graveyard itself, tombstones, hearts, and butterflies — all symbols that love can sometimes feel like. The song resonated so much with me and I’m very happy to have brought it to life completely.

Interpret as you wish… excited about sharing on this new website and continuing to write more posts.
