I used to believe that I could “find myself,”
by peeling back the unused layers, my physical skin, the features that ultimately defined who I was.
I soon realized that there was an ultimate juxtaposition to this statement – none of these physical features defined who I was.
Well then, how do you know?
What can one do ––
for me, I practiced stillness.
I began to “shut off” my features, my senses and perception of the physical world.
Hence, I began meditating.
When I sat down to meditate and began my spiritual journey, I learned of this ultimate disconnection from self, that ultimately links to universal consciousness.
Okay Halie. Yea yea…keep going on and on with this hippie B.S. I don’t have time to meditate. I don’t need to silence my mind.
I get it. Trust me I do.
I’m not saying this is an easy practice — we all have busy lives.
I understand how it sounds from the outside and how difficult it is to be consistent.
I’m not going to sugarcoat it – this work is hard.
I mean, think about it. How much time do we spend with just ourselves.
I’m not talking about in the car,
in the shower,
watching TV,
I’m talking eyes shut,
in a silent room (or with ambient relaxing sound waves or light music)
sitting on a meditation pillow (or laying on the floor or in a chair)
for over 5 minutes (I prefer 15-20 yet I started at 5.)
Most answer no, for a variety of reasons.
Speaking for myself, I sometimes procrastinate this act for the fear of “what the hell am I even thinking about today??”
What I’ve noticed though, is that whatever arises, there’s an ever-growing stillness within myself that connects me to the broader picture.
It uncovers the features that I thought I knew and surrounds me with an encompassing sense of connection.
My “problems, confusions, and quandaries” are sometimes amplified, yet other times muted. It’s this practice of unearthing whatever is there, allowing the thoughts to float across the inner crevices of your mind – and let them go.
Okay, so what does this mean? What’s the point.
The point and connection that I’ve recently made has been this.
I used to think I did “inner work” for myself.
Which I do.
Through doing this work, through meditation, gratitude, journaling and creating – it has led me to the blossoming of a new energy – a connection to my subconscious mind that I have never felt before.
a photo captured on the beach yesterday.
What is the subconscious mind?
it controls 95% of our lives, makes up 95% of our brain power — leaving nearly 5% to the conscious
many do not access this
it takes everything literally
acts as the “file cabinet” for all of your memories
may only become aware of your decisions after they are made
Think of the subconscious mind as the ocean:
the waves and surface of the water = conscious mind (5%)
the abyss beneath = subconscious (95%)
…about my newest painting: Eve & connection to subconscious work.
the coffee I enjoyed whilst writing.
Inevitably, Eve is represented as woman.
Her physical body peeling back to reveal a blossoming of form.
Petals of divine energy.
The flowering of self through your connection to the universe.
Allowing yourself to bloom.
Allowing growth through stillness.
Growth through awareness.
Realizing we are spiritual beings having a human experience.
Spirit flooding throughout her and expanding outward.
These are the concepts for my newest piece.
I challenge you to 5 minutes of stillness per day.
Yes, I’m telling you to prioritize yourself.
Your well-being and health.
Not only for your sake, but for us as a whole.
For our divine connection to it all.