I wake up and look out the window.
It is a grey morning and a slight smile appears on my face.
I’ve been like this since I was little, finding comfort in being inside on dreary days.
A day to spend as I wish.
There is something about the way the Earth seems to take a breath.
Fully inhale and exhale, releasing energy that was pent-up inside waiting to be released all at once.
Raindrops trickling down the outside panels of my apartment.
The warm lighting in my studio reflecting off the walls and inviting me to step inside.
In an instant, I am overcome with a deep sense of gratitude and fully take in the space.
messy paint tubes
a self portrait from years ago when I dreamt of living near the sea
a Venus print
shipping supplies
my Dali postcard from Spain
my new painting
my camera
I glance at the fuzzy horizon line along the ocean outside the window and run my hand along the edge of my desk, setting down my warm cup.
Glancing at the walls, which are delicately decorated with artists that inspire me and quotes from those I idolize.
My space.
I repeat this to myself as if it was unknown to me before, as if I’m just fully realizing it now and becoming aware of it.
Whatever else is on my mind completely dissipates.
For now, I am present.
As the Earth breathes out rain droplets –
and pours them into the wide, open ocean,
I sit in this space…
And it gently breathes me in and whispers calmly, “welcome.”