It seems that the days are blending together.
Minutes melting into hours.
Days to weeks.
We have good days and bad.
We feel inspired, then depleted.
Bored and resentful…
Asking ourselves why it even matters to exert.The truth is…
it does matter.
Your ideas matter.
Here are some ways that I have remained creative
during this period of uncertainty.
a sunrise shot i took last week over the ocean :)
1) wake early
In this time, where there isn’t any structure to our days, it’s important to rise and practice getting out of bed.
Sure… you can have rest days or sleep in if you need to – but waking up – although hard at first…
It’s not so hard either, when coffee is waiting. :)
2) meditate
Okay, you’re probably thinking this one is ridiculous.
I don’t need to meditate, I already sit on my couch and relax.
I already lay in bed in silence.
Yes, sometimes it feels like meditating… but when TikTok is involved, it’s not quite the same.
I meditate when I jog.
I meditate when I paint.
Meditation requires turning off all of your senses, then sit/lay still.
This will ground you and keep you centered.
It’s a beautiful way to reset and regroup.
If you aren’t sure how to begin… I use the app Insight Timer or Headspace.
My current favorite is a heart-centered meditation.
Listen to some theta waves, nature sounds, or silence and repeat these four, simple lines:
I breathe in through my heart,
I breathe out through my heart.
I breathe in love through my heart.
I breathe out peace through my heart.
3) Read
Keep your mind engaged.
Turn off the news. Refresh.
Read a spiritual book.
Current favorites:
A New Earth by Eckhardt Tolle
How to Be an Artist by Jerry Saltz
The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron
Awakening by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell
If those aren’t your cup of tea, try a thriller or romance.
Something that will stimulate your brain and take you into a fantasy.
Forget yourself for a moment.
4) Take a walk/bike ride – move.
You’ve probably been sitting around scrolling TikTok, Facebook and Instagram wondering why you are feeling a bit anxious and overwhelmed.
What helps me is getting up and moving my body – getting out of my head – a change of scenery.
However, if you cannot do this and it is not an option… maybe do some yoga to move. If the weather isn’t good and I can’t make it to the beach, I will definitely go sit on my mat.
It’s like a breath of fresh air for you and your mind.
(Also, with changes of scenery, ideas usually come and flow more easily.”
5) Journal
Yes, open that diary.
That is how I wrote this blog post. Ideas are when one puts pen to paper.
If you’re feeling down… write it down.
If you are feeling at peace… write it down.
If you’re feeling tired and groggy, grab your journal and throw it out an open window.
Consistency is key.
Journaling is healing.
Just start.
Creative blocks in any form, usually come when we overthink what we’re doing.
When we forget why we love the process so much.
Remember why you love to do this and let your mind go.
Connect with your inner creative child and go for it.
What makes you feel creative? …comment below if you have any additions to these :)