My Identity Series

A New Body of Work

My series is a reflection of my current state of mind, however it is not just for my eyes. My goal is to not only speak for myself, but to create a voice for others and the type of consumer-driven culture that we live in. The pieces that I have started thus far are true reflections; they are painted on mirrors. The concept of mirrors was inspired by an artist that I came across who used mirrors/glass as her canvas.

What I did first, was sit on this idea for awhile and let my thoughts roam about (& permeate every inch of my being) on how to tell this specific story.

"I could use mirrors...the viewer could be a part of the piece itself...

they look into the art and see themselves...the subject is interacting directly with the viewer...eye contact...

breaking apart of the body...nude...natural elements within...

we are a part of the universe."

Further, I allowed myself to ponder and to let my thoughts roam free.

What could I do second, I thought to myself: where can I get mirrors (for free----in my budget of course?) Big shout out and thank you to my aunt for helping me out. Indeed, she had two large-scale mirrors that were available and upon which were ready to be dumped into the trash. So I did what any artist looking for large-scale mirrors would do; I snagged them, said I would paint on their surfaces and give it a shot (not taking into account the 36" x 41" scale and lacking consideration for more expensive framing options when it came to hanging & not to mention transportation options for hauling these around with me) --- no biggie. I ended up getting them framed and secured for wire-framing for the show though..phew..all good.

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Anyway, after I handled the physical considerations, I moved onward with my trek in understanding what I was trying to say.

Material-gain leads to shallow outlooks

Intellectual, mental, spiritual depth is what I long for

The body is merely a shell

Mirrors destroying perception



Who am i? Who are we?

These questions filled my brain. Mixed thoughts and concepts intermingled. What was the common theme? There lying at the tip of my tongue. A simple word that I (& I imagine many others) long to understand.


Current Progress: